Penn Highlands Bear Path

The Bear Path is a one-stop-shop to help you on your career path.  Whether you need help deciding on a major, job/internship, resume writing, or mock interview help, the Bear Path can guide you in the right direction.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Ben Mostoller at 

Click on the link and select "Student/Alumni" then "Single Sign On" to log in to your account:



Download the "Symplicity Jobs and Careers" app via the Apple or Google store.  A link is also on the main page of your Bear Path account.


Career Finder: 

The Career Finder can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to a major and/or what type of careers you may want to explore. 


Job Search:

Job Search is an easy way to search and apply for jobs and internships.  Simply upload your resume to your Bear Path account and instantly apply to jobs or internships.


Mock Interview:

The Mock Interview tool is great to help you practice for your next interview.  You can record yourself answering the questions and once prepared can also send the interview to friends, family, or professors for review with feedback. 


Resume Builder:

Resume Builder is a great tool to help you create or update your resume.  There are multiple templates to use to help you create the perfect resume to apply to your next job or internship.  

National and Regional Resources

The High Priority Occupations (HPOs) resource lists the jobs that are in demand by employers, have higher skill needs and provide family sustaining wages in Pennsylvania. This resource provides information on educational requirements, wage information and employment projections for the regions across the state of Pennsylvania.

(.xlsx, 214K)

This PDF can help you identify the types of Federal career opportunities available based on your area of study.

(.pdf, 132K)

O*NET provides important occupational information that can help:

  • Individuals seeking first jobs, new jobs, or better jobs
  • Individuals who are choosing or changing careers      

More information opens more occupational options. Using O*NET OnLine, a web-based application that provides user-friendly access to O*NET occupational information, you can:

  • find occupations to explore;
  • search for occupations that use your skills;
  • look at related occupations;
  • view Summary Reports, including the most important characteristics of the worker and requirements of the work;
  • view Detail Reports or Custom Reports, offering the user control over the type and level of information displayed;
  • use crosswalks to find corresponding occupations in other classification systems; and
  • connect to other online career information resources.

To access the online website, please click here.     


The Occupational Outlook Handbook is provided by the U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. You can find information on careers and learn about what workers do, work environments, education, training, other qualifications, pay, job outlook; information on state and area data, similar occupations and sources of additional information. 

To access the online website, please click here.

The O*NET Interest Profiler is a free web-based vocational interest assessment instrument. Users receive an accurate, reliable profile of their vocational interests that:

  • Helps them identify their work-related interests,
  • Focuses career search activities, and
  • Enables them to link their vocational interests to O*NET-SOC occupations.  

To access the interest profile, please visit


 16 Personalities assessment can help you get a concrete, accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do. Your profile results can help you learn how to use your strengths, increase your self-confidence, improve your relationships, and discover your ideal career and personal development paths.

To access the free assessment, please visit

Our Career Pathways Specialist can help assist with career exploration, jobs/internships, and help those that are undecided of a major. 





       Ben Mostoller

      Career Pathways Specialist


      Call or Text: 814-262-6457

      Schedule an appointment: Book Here